We are pleased to welcome you among our contractors.
We hope that your presence here will contribute to the development and improvement of the platform.

What do you need to know?

  • Your purchases made by the INSTALLER ZONE are always rewarded with an additional cascade DISCOUNT added at the end of the order.
  • If your trading conditions or prices are not suitable, please contact our sales department to determine satisfactory terms of cooperation.
  • On our platform, we provide net catalog prices, individual prices for you with a visible discount or special and promotional prices that are not subject to further discounts.
  • When ordering goods, standard pick-up/delivery options are available, however, in the case of volume orders, the delivery cost may change, but we always consult it with you. In all cases, the delivery is carried out for the lowest possible rate allowing us to reimburse our costs (we do not earn money on transport).
  • If a product from the regular HAKOM offer or the price list of another manufacturer is not available, please send an inquiry to the sales department.
  • Please report any problems with the functioning of the platform immediately to the platform staff.

Remember !

  • Remember that fair-play is more important than money. Your prices are only for you and keep them secret!
  • We do not accept lower prices than the manufacturer's official list prices on your sales pages.
  • Your terms and conditions are our shared trade secret and do not share them with anyone.
  • Failure to comply with the regulations and trade secrets results in the removal of access to the INSTALLER ZONE.
  • The system monitors user activity and it may happen that your account is suspended due to inactivity.

We wish you a nice adventure with our company and your account in the INSTALLER ZONE


Darmowe dostawy w HAKOM

Wychodząc na przeciw Państwa potrzebom zdecydowaliśmy o obniżeniu od 1 lutego 2024 wysokości minum logistycznego dla darmowej dostawy do kwoty koszyka powyżej 4.500 PLN netto*.
*nie dotyczy pomp ciepła, armatury PC oraz towarów gabarytowych i przestrzennych (kanały i kształtki wentylacyjne, rury  itp)

Od 1 lutego 2023 w naszej ofercie znalazały się urządzenia klimatyzacyjne RAC, PACi oraz pompy ciepła AQUAREA firmy PANASONIC, więc ...